lamination die for film
lamination die for film Characters
Die head flow ruuner shape the branch-tube type is used, and installed with a special inner block wide-size adjustment device.
lamination die for film adjustment method: manual (automatic) full push flexible fine-tuning/manual (auto) push-pull fine-tuning is used for the upper die lip.
Wide-size adjustment method: With the reduction of the thick edge, the inner block-type lead screw adjustment device can continuously adjust the die wide-size online to maximize the cost saving.
We need a laminating machine and adhesive glue to use cold laminating film.
When making lamination process, the laminating film and paper or paperboard is running at the same time and being stuck together by the adhesive glue that is melted.
During this period, we have to be careful about laminating speed, pressure and temperature in order to ensure successful job.